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Hero Grid Generator

Generates a Dota 2 hero grid showing the top heroes by role and also all heroes for that role, each with their pick rate and win rate. Stats are for the latest patch and based on Dota 2 Pro Tracker.

Useful for example if you play support and want to have hard supports on top.
1. Carry
2. Mid
3. Offlane
4. Support
5. Hard Support

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download the generated JSON file
  2. Find your Steam folder, usually in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
  3. Go into: Steam\userdata\[your-id]\570\remote\cfg
  4. Optional: if you want to save your current hero grids, rename your current hero_grid_config.json to backup_hero_grid_config.json
  5. Copy the downloaded hero_grid_config.json into the cfg folder you're in
  6. [your-id] is your Steam Friend ID (a number), which you can find in the Dota 2 client:
    • Open Dota 2
    • Go to your profile
    • Your Friend ID is the number shown in your profile URL
  7. Restart Dota 2 if it's already running
  8. In the Heroes tab, you should now see your custom grid

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I get banned for using this?

No, this only generates a text file for a custom hero grid. This is something that you could do yourself in the client, it would just take you many hours to do it by hand. It's completely safe to use.

Can I customize it afterwards?

Yes, you can edit it with the Dota 2 client as any other hero grid.

How do you decide in which role to place a hero?

Heroes are placed in all categories in which they have an ELO on Dota 2 Pro Tracker. That means heroes like Crystal Maiden won't be listed as carries. All heroes are always placed in at least one role, so that keyboard search works as expected.